Crafting strategic business and litigation materials &

Providing employee training in business communication
... since 1987


No two projects are ever identical; similarly, no two documents are ever the same. Nonetheless, many documents share structure and patterns with others written for a common purpose. If something has been done before, we might as well leverage that precedent. Why reinvent the wheel, right?

Thus, using existing templates and heuristics for documents is a perfectly sound, practical, and efficient way to write and finalize a business deliverable. I like to start with a familiar template, and then customize the document as necessary to reflect the unique subject matter and salient issues of a new project.

On this page, you will find some common templates for business and technical documents. They are skeletons only. The flesh must be put on the bones. But, they should be useful as starting points. If you do not see a document sample you are looking for, feel free to Contact Apex Persuasion with your request.

Request Apex Persuasion's services for document preparation and review.