Crafting strategic business and litigation materials &

Providing employee training in business communication
... since 1987

Meet the Team

Key Staff

Apex Persuasion has grown from the experiences, training, and talent of its founding member, Jack Fishstrom. Jack is a licensed attorney. He began his career working on the complex litigation that arose after engineering mistakes were discovered in a nuclear power plant. He graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, with high honors. He has a graduate degree in telecommunication arts from the University of Michigan and a juris doctor degree from the University of Toledo. He was the managing technical editor for one of the country’s premier environmental consulting firms. He has started three of his own businesses. He has been on the faculty of the University of Michigan since 1993.

Jack is an award-winning writer and television director. His feature-length dramatic screenplay -- The Reverend, The Rabbi -- won a prestigious Hopwood Award in 1994. He directed the award-winning entertainment video, String Things, in 1995.